
Debbie's Doings

When two people sing together, they're in love; when two people dance together, they make love.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Random Thoughts...

It's Thursday, but man it feels like the longest week of my life so far. My computer crashed that I use for teaching on Monday, so I was unable to have classes in my own classroom this week. The maintenance guy came and took my hard drive away Monday afternoon and brought it back Wednesday afternoon. We didn't get the problems resolved until Thursday around 10am. Boo.

I also got a really bad cold from my students this week. Today has nearly killed me in that I had 6 classes and no break from 9am until 2:45. I'm beat. I'm sneezing all over the place (and I don't sneeze quietly) and my head feels detached from my body.

I have come to the conclusion that I really need to do more prep-work for my classes. It's frustrating to me that I can't figure out the new CD-ROMs. The kids don't care, but I don't like making myself mad during the day.

I haven't done yoga at all this week because I got sick (and J called on Monday- so I did nothing that night). I miss it and really want to not be dizzy so I can do my yoga.

My dog may be the laziest creature alive. He really does sleep all day when I'm at work, and sleeps all night with me. I stayed home ill on Tuesday (kind of a precursor as I should have saved calling in sick until Wednesday) and he was undeniably the laziest creatures alive.

Good things-

I got a couple orders in the mail this week. Thank you Victoria's Secret for shipping internationally and reasonably!

I thought Wednesday was going to be a worse day than it turned out to be. Wednesday would have been my brother's 20th birthday. Felt the love from friends and family that day and they know I'm sending it back always.

I found some dance instructional avi files from my two favorite WCS dancers this week. I now have 4 hours of instruction to watch and learn from. In ENGLISH. It's so much easier to learn when I can understand everything I hear. Although, I have gotten really good at learning through visual cues and guesswork.

I made banana bread on Sunday and it's incredible. And gluten-free. It's a bit chewy since it's made from rice flour, but it's so nice to eat bread that doesn't make me sick.

Tomorrow is Friday. This is always good.

psssst-- I have no idea what my Five for Friday will be this week. It's been an off week.

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