
Debbie's Doings

When two people sing together, they're in love; when two people dance together, they make love.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

100 posts

This is my 100th post on my blog. I know for a fact that most of the posts have been complaining and whining-filled ones. For that I apologize. I feel that even after 4 years on here I'm still trying to find my voice. With someone who has no trouble talking to people about mundane things, I sure can't seem to figure out what to write about on here that is worth reading.

March is just about over with and I have no tricks up my sleeve for Friday. I promise. I remember a few years ago my sister B decided it would be a great April Fool's Joke to call my dad and tell him she was pregnant. The very next year, she was. Haha. I will never pull that joke on my parents for fear of divine retribution.

I've been taking a new dance class on Fridays- Slow and Groovy. I feel like dancing West Coast Swing at a slower pace gives me more opportunity to have fun with it. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy dancing fast, but I can control my movement better when it's slow and groovy. Bwahaha. And I'm the only sexy one in the class. Not really, but I don't struggle as much as some do to relax into the movements we're doing. So I feel sexier, but my feet still trip me up a lot. I need to get new shoes for sure. In a few weeks we're having a party for the closure of the first class at the new club and I have to learn a routine to perform. Look for a video up here when it's done! I can't wait to have a new video of me dancing on here.

I have a project lined up for April. Starting April 10th I'm going to make one craft a day for 20 days. When that finishes I am going to have a little party so my friends can take whatever they want. I'm going to send a few away, but the idea with this project is to give it all away. I will take pictures for this and blog about it daily. I think I'm just going to take a supplies photo and a couple finished photos and post it up with a short description. In preparation for this I've been adding craft blogs on here to follow and get ideas from and even bought a glue gun yesterday. My first glue gun. Woohoo!

I also reached a milestone for yoga this week. I finally got through all the standing postures for Ashtanga primary series. That means next week I get to start learning the seated postures. I'm so glad to be done adding standing postures. My knees don't like it and tonight I had a really hard time inhaling. It was a little weird, but I pushed through. I must have made some awful faces though, I was in a lot of pain. Actually I almost cried at the end before my finishing sequence. My muscles all still ache and I'm a bit shakey right now. Tomorrow morning should be interesting.

Good news of the day? In two days it will be exactly 5 months before I leave Korea. I have a lot to do in that time though- let's get cracking!

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